Rally Store ships to Europe and to the rest of the world. Shipping costs will be automatically calculated when choosing a shipping location.
The price does not include the cost of customs duties and taxes of other countries (outside the EU).
We process all orders received on weekdays up to 12 hours on the same day so that in most cases the goods ordered will be delivered to the delivery service on the same day.
Orders made after 12pm on weekdays (except Fridays) will be delivered the next day, while orders from Fridays after 12pm will be submitted on Mondays. After we deliver the goods to the delivery service, we will send you a shipment number to your email address so you can check its status at the delivery service address.
Unfortunately we are unable to influence the further delivery speed and possible complications related to the delivery itself by the delivery service.
For each shipment, the recipient certifies and signs the delivery note upon receipt of the shipment. In accordance with the provisions of the Law on Obligations, the shipment certificate is deemed by the consignee to be delivered in undamaged condition and after that the carrier is exempt from any subsequent liability. If the recipient does not exist at the specified address or the address is unknown, the delivery service will attempt to contact the recipient to agree on the exact time and possibly another delivery address.
In case of failure to deliver, the shipment is returned to us. We are committed to delivering your order in a timely manner, provided that you have filled out your information in full accuracy and truth.
In case of complaint, damage during delivery, error in data transmission or any other defect, please contact us within two working days of receipt of the shipment.
The user acquires the right to complaints if:
- the goods were not delivered as instructed
- the goods delivered do not meet the standards
- shipping damage occurred
All these complaints will be resolved in agreement with the client or the consignee.